Castor Oil Benefits - For Hormone & Digestive Health

Castor oil packs have been all the rage here in the clinic lately. Why? Well, the benefits of castor oil packs are so plentiful, and let’s face it, our livers could always use some extra support.

Castor oil has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many years. It’s most commonly known as an aid in the lymphatic system to move and relieve stagnation, detoxification of the liver, and cleansing for the colon. In addition to this, castor oil packs have so many more benefits which is why they are a staple in our wellness cupboard and evening routines.

What is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is extracted from castor seeds (Ricinus Communis). It is a very pale yellow liquid that has a thick, sticky feel. Castor oil is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant oil which has been used for centuries for its therapeutic and medicinal benefits. It is believed that most castor oil's healing abilities are derived from its high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, especially ricinoleic acid. Although it has a strong and rather unpleasant taste, castor oil is used in cosmetics, soaps, textiles, medicines, massage oils and many other everyday products.

What are the benefits of Castor Oil?

Castor Oil has been used both internally and externally for thousands of years. Castor oil has been shown to increase circulation and promote elimination and healing of tissues and organs underneath the skin. It is particularly effective in being absorbed into lymphatic circulation which can improve digestion, immune function, and reduce swelling in injured joints and extremities. It has also been specifically used in cases of menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroid cysts, and ovarian cysts.

Why do I love using Castor Oil packs?

Using castor oil is a great way to use holistic remedies as a topical support verse supplementation. The properties of topical support are at times overlooked. This is a great way to build a ritual into your daily regime that feels more like ‘self care’ which I really enjoy. It’s something I have been able to integrate into my evening routine, the same way I would my skincare routine.

Some of my favourite things about using my pack are:

  • It leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated after use.

  • Reduced inflamed with continued use

  • When using it as part of my skin care, I notice my face feels soft and smooth.

  • 100% pure, Hexane-free, USDA certified organic, Extra virgin and comes in a Amber glass bottle so there is no plastic leaching.

How to apply a Castor Oil Pack:

• Grab your Queen of Thrones pack which is made of flannel on the inner layer, and 2 convenient straps to tie it in place.

• Apply a tbsp of oil evenly to your pack and then rub both sides together so the oil is evenly applied.

• Apply your pack to the liver area (right side of the abdomen) and place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the pack.

• Leave the pack on for 45 minutes or overnight. This Castor Oil pack can be reused.

Storing your pack: Simply place it into an air tight container between each use. Be mindful that castor oil packages are permeable and can stain clothing, so it’s ideal to wear something loose that you wouldn’t mind if it got stained.

What is Castor Oil beneficial for?

Muscle and Joint Pain Relief: The anti-inflammatory properties of Castor Oil make it an excellent massage oil for relieving arthritic joints, rheumatism, gout, nerve inflammations, and sore muscles and joints. Use the standard castor oil pack or the direct application.

Constipation and Digestive Remedy: Castor Oil has been used internally for the treatment of constipation and digestive disorders for centuries. We recommend that any internal use of castor oil be prescribed and monitored by a naturopathic doctor. Small doses of castor oil can be a very strong laxative, whereas too much can be a poison. Castor oil is also effective for constipation and digestive disorders, with a much safer window, when used topically – especially with children.

How to apply it: Apply 1 tbsp to your castor oil pack and tie over stomach area while sleeping. Keep in mind when treating constipation to consult your naturopathic doctor immediately if symptoms persist for longer than 3 days.

Skin Problems: Successful studies have approved the use of Castor Oil for skin infections and other skin problems such as sunburn, abrasions, acne, dry skin, boils, warts, stretch marks and liver/age spots. Castor oil contains undecylenic acid which has germ-killing and disinfectant properties making it an effective treatment for athlete’s foot and other fungal infections, skin ulcers chronic itching and inflamed skin. For stubborn fungal infections or extremely dry and callused skin or nails, it is recommended to soak the affected area in Epsom Salts or Alkaline Salts for 10-15 minutes to soften and disinfect the skin before applying Castor Oil. This can help speed up the healing process.

How to apply it: Direct topical application to the affected area without the use of a heating pad is typically sufficient.

Menstrual Disorders, Fibroids and Cysts: Castor oil is effective in decreasing the pain and inflammation associated with menstrual disorders and in decreasing or eliminating fibroids and cysts. The ricinoleic acid, present in Castor oil, is an emmenagogue in nature and helps open menstruation in cases of delayed or painful or stopped menstruation. It also helps with liver detox and hormone balance, especially for estrogen dominance symptoms like heavy periods, cramping, PMS and even breast tenderness.

Either the standard castor oil pack or the direct application method can be used. Keep in mind that the administration of castor oil during a period will increase blood flow, hence it is typically contraindicated during menses.

How to apply it: Apply 1 tbsp to your castor oil pack and tie over the right ribcage/liver area nightly while sleeping or under a old t shirt during the day, 5-7 nights a week.

Stye Treatment: The anti-bacterial components of castor oil are effective against styes (oil gland infections on the eyelid). Simply apply a very small drop of castor oil to a Q-tip and apply directly onto the stye 2 or 3 times per day.

How to apply it: Dip a cotton ball into Castor oil and apply it onto the affected area in the morning and at night.

Hair Care: The germicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties of ricin and ricinoleic acid present in castor oil protect the scalp and hair from microbial and fungal infections. Hence, using hair care products that contain castor oil can help keep dandruff at bay and can improve the texture of coarse and dry hair.

How to apply it: For a more direct impact you can also massage the oil into the scalp, leave it on overnight and wash hair the next morning. Or you can use Queen of Thrones Hair Kit with the code THESOULFULSPROUT10 for 10% off your order.

Wrinkle Treatment: Castor oil is a natural emollient and moisturizer that penetrates the skin and helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which can soften and hydrate the skin. Therefore, castor oil is a wonderful natural treatment for wrinkles since it restores and rejuvenates skin's natural youthful appearance by making skin smoother, softer and pliant. When applied in the winter it will prevent your skin from drying up and getting white patches. Dip a small cotton ball into pure Castor oil and apply it on wrinkled skin before going to bed. Use only a small amount of oil when applying it to the skin near the eyes.

How to apply it: The easiest way to use castor oil is to massage it onto the skin.

What are the Side Effects of Castor Oil?

Castor oil is normally safe if used in moderation. However, pregnant and lactating women and people with intestinal blockage, acute inflammatory intestinal disease, appendicitis, or abdominal pain should not take Castor Oil without their doctor's approval. Note that precautions must be taken when ingesting the oil internally, so you should always follow the directions on the package and consult your doctor or naturopathic professional before consuming it. Internal ingestion of Castor Oil may result in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or cramping.

Ready to get started with this beautiful daily ritual?

Get your castor oil and pack by clicking the link below and join me in, practicing the magical healing powers of castor oil.


  1. Check out our FREE cycle syncing guide for tried and true ways to help your body through each phase of your cycle

  2. For extra support around nutrition for your cycle, check our our cycle syncing meal guide with delicious recipes to help keep your cycle on track all month long.

  3. Deep dive in our go at your own pace course: Mend Your Menstrual Cycle for support at managing your period and bringing harmony back in to your body.


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