Cycle Syncing 101

What Is Cycle Syncing?

The menstrual cycle is much more than just the days of your bleed. It consists of four unique phases that prepare your body to either pro-create or shed the lining of the uterus. These four phases are: The Menstrual, Follicular, Ovulatory, and Luteal phases.

In most cycling individuals, these four phases will repeat approximately every 21-35 days until levels of reproductive hormones decline in perimenopause and menopause.

Cycle syncing is a way to achieve balance and harmony in response to the different needs of your body throughout the month. It’s a tool that can help you optimize the way you feel and manage the different symptoms of cycling.

Hormone imbalance can be a major contributing factor behind why you may feel invincible one week and like curling into a ball the next. PMS and period pain is NOT normal and can be corrected with the proper nutritional, lifestyle and supplemental care.

What Are The Benefits of Cycle Syncing?

Cycle syncing presents many benefits:

✨ Helps you feel your best all cycle long
✨ Helps you understand why you feel the way you do at certain times of the month
✨ Increases productivity (especially the week before your🩸)
✨ Helps to balance blood sugar and optimize key nutritional needs
✨ Replenishes nutrient deficiencies
✨ Relieves symptoms and discomfort associated with your menstrual cycle (Goodbye PMS)
✨ Provides clarity and support around the physical and mental challenges of each phase

What Happens In Each Phase?

Menstrual phase Begins on the first day of your period and ends when you bleed stops
Hormones are at their lowest point and need some TLC. This is the best time for reflection, journaling, and light movement. When you bleed you are losing some key nutrients that give you a boost during this time in your cycle.

💧Hydration in this phase can also help reduce water retention and bloating

It’s important to keep these nutrients topped up to support your period:

  • Omega 3’s: to reduce inflammation.

  • B vitamins: to support and strengthen the uterus and body during the luteal phase.

  • Vitamin C: antioxidant boost, supports the adrenals, can elevate estrogen levels and lower progesterone, helping the uterus contract and break down it’s lining.

  • Iron: as we bleed we loose iron, so it can be beneficial to restore what is being lost.

  • Zinc: is a powerful antioxdiant that is anti-inflammatory and can boost blood flow, it also helps oxygenate the blood which reduces pain and cramping.

  • Magnesium: to help reduce menstrual cramping and pain via the support of muscular relaxation.

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Follicular Phase 7-10 days after Menstruation
FSH hormone promotes follicle development⁠ (hence follicular phase) Estrogen and testosterone are low and being to increase gradually throughout this phase as the body begins to signal ovulation to occur. Energy levels, mood and libido start to increase and your body is ready to be challenged.

High-intensity workouts, running or circuit⁠ are welcome here

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Ovulatory Phase lasts 2-4 days Long (Shortest Phase)
Ovulation is the result of the previously listed phases. There is a surge in Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Estrogen, and Testosterone. As a result of estrogen levels increasing and egg is released. Our brain and energy levels are at their peak during this phase. This is the best time to communicate, write and focus on yourself.
Elimination is crucial during this phase as it supports digestion, elimination, and detoxification.
High-intensity workouts, running or circuit⁠ are optimal for ovulation energy.

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Luteal Phase is roughly 10-14 days long
This phase is marked by a rise in both estrogen and progesterone (but is dominated by progesterone) as the uterus thickens and prepares to shed its lining or prepare for possible pregnancy. You may notice an increase in metabolism which means increasing your caloric intake. This is a good time to focus on blood sugar balancing.

This is the phase where PMS is most common. This is a sign of estrogen dominance⁠.
Rest, yoga, pilates, and long walks ⁠

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Foods For Your Cycle

Menstrual Phase
+ Focus on hydration (hello, water)
+ Bone broth (great source of collagen)
+ Leafy greens, beets, lentils

+ Healthy Fats (avocado + olive oil)
+ Lean Proteins: fish, chicken, turkey
+ Complex Carbohydrates: whole grains, fibrous vegetables, beans, and legumes

Follicular Phase
+ Fiber: Chia seeds, ground flax seeds, pumpkin seeds
+ Antioxidants: blueberries, Raspberries
+ Cruciferous Veggies: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower
+ Fermented foods: kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt
+ Phytoestrogens: fermented tempeh, miso, soybeans

Ovulatory Phase
+ Steam saute or roast veggies to help with bloating and digestion
+ Fiber: dark leafy greens
+ Fermented foods: kimchi, saurekraut, yogurt
+ Phytoestrogens: fermented tempeh, miso, soybeans

Luteal Phase
+ Focus on hydration to help prevent bloating + Foods rich in B vitamins: leafy greens (spinach, kale) broccoli, cauliflower, eggs, liver, red meat, shellfish
+ Complex carbohydrates: whole grains, fibrous vegetables, beans, and legumes
+ Antioxidants: blueberries, raspberries

Check out our Blood Sugar Balancing Meal Guide

7 Simple Ways To Start Cycle Syncing:

💦 Stay hydrated
🌿 Support your digestion and gut health
💩 Have a daily bowel movement, and increase your fiber intake
🍳Stabilize blood sugar (don’t skip meals, and protein, fat and fiber at each meal)
🤸🏽‍♂️ Move your body in agreement with your current phase
📔 Add in rituals to your day that make you happy
😴Get quality rest and prioritize sleep

Looking for more guidance on getting to the root of your Menstrual Cycle struggles, dive deeper in our course: Mend Your Menstrual Cycle


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