Yoni Steaming: Everything you need to know

Yoni Steaming Is An Ancient Practice

It goes by many names…

  • In Western cultures it is known as Vaginal Steam , V-Steam

  • The Mayans call it Bajo which means low in Spanish

  • The Koreans call it Chai-Yok

  • Yoni (योनि) is Sanskrit for vagina and womb, it can be translated as the origin of life and is the symbol of the Hindu Goddess Devi.

In many cultures worldwide yoni steaming has remained a well-respected ritual for supporting all aspects of women’s wellness – from the physical, to the emotional and spiritual. Yoni steaming is truly an ancient remedy that has stood the test of time.

What is a “Yoni”?

Pronounced yo-nee

There are many words that refer to a women’s womb. Vagina. Pussy. ect. Many are even on a path to reclaim many of those words that have been historically derogatory. Yoni is the first word that I have come across that describes the beauty and mystery of a women’s womb in four short letters. Yoni is Sanskrit for “Sacred Temple” or “Sacred Space”.

What exactly is Yoni Steaming?

Specific herbs are brought to a boil and then are set in a Yoni Steam Sauna or on the ground. A woman then removes her clothing from her bottom half and then sits on the sauna or squats over the steaming herbs. To enhance the steaming effect, some women will pull a heavy blanket or light sheet around themselves to focus the steam onto their bodies. Here the woman will sit for 10-30 minutes depending on her sensitivities and health goals. Women often find benefit steaming directly before or after their menstrual cycle. We see that women benefit the most when they steam once a week, aiding to each phase of their cycle. Traditionally, after women give birth and their postpartum bleeding stops they steam every day for 30 days.

Why Steam Your Yoni?

Yoni steaming offers a wide range of benefits including cycle regulating, easing cramps, balancing ph, supporting fertility, increasing pleasure, encouraging a gentle detox, aiding women postpartum, and reducing stress. Traditionally, midwives would teach women to Yoni Steam after they had given birth as a way to heal the mind, body, and spirit postpartum. Women often find benefit steaming directly before or after their menstrual cycle. We see that women benefit the most when they steam once a week, aiding to each phase of their cycle. Traditionally, after women give birth and their postpartum bleeding stops they steam every day for 30 days.

What Herbs Are Used To Steam?

Not all herbs are safe to steam with. Our Yonis are powerful access points to the body. The tissues of the vulva are as soluble as our mouths but are significantly more sensitive. Herb choice for steam should always be left to a Yoni Steam Facilitator or a studied herbalist. There are many herbs used for a variety of reasons that support each women with her specific needs. There are four main categories of herbs used for Cleansing, Disinfecting, Cooling and Gentle.

How Do We Steam?

Traditionally, women would steam over pots while squatting over them. Many women find ‘Frog Pose’ and ‘Child’s Pose’ from yoga comfortable ways to steam as well. Usually women steam between 20-30minutes and for many women holding a yoga pose for that long can be labor some.

Who Is Yoni Steaming For?

This is for all womb holders, with or without uteruses and even women who have gone through menopause. The only thing I would suggest is not to participate in the steam if you are currently menstruating or currently pregnant.

Yoni Steam Herbs

You can experience the benefits of a Yoni Steam without the use of herbs. It is the steam that is truly powerful and has the potential to bring you relief. The herbs are simply the icing on the cake and may offer additional healing properties.

List of Yoni Steam Herbs 

The following herbs can be used for all-around yoni health and preventative care.

  • Motherwort

  • Chamomile

  • Calendula

  • Rose

  • Rosemary

  • Lavender

  • Nettle

  • Red Raspberry Leaf


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