Recover Your Mineral Health with Solé Water


“The easiest, fastest way to hydrate and energize your cells and body is with Solé”

Solé water is water saturated with pink Himalayan salt. This keeps you hydrated, provides mineral support, boosts your energy, and balances the pH levels in your body. The word Solé is derived from the Latin word for sun, as it is the liquid materialization of sunlight. Sole means "liquid sunlight" or "liquid light energy."

Solé is created when natural and lightly processed salt is dissolved in water until it is completely saturated.The key is to use Himalayan salt. One of the reasons why Himalayan salt seems to have some health benefits is because it contains almost 90 different minerals and trace elements. Minerals such as magnesium, iron, iodine, calcium or potassium. They give it its light pink colour.

A teaspoon of the solution can then be added to your morning glass of water.

What are the Benefits of Solé ?

  • Increases hydration, similarly to how Gatorade and other sports drinks are promoted to hydrate and give you electroyltes. These drinks have a high sodium content. Salt supports the water volume to increase overall hydration. 

  • Increases energy levels as minerals help to support the adrenal glands. When the adrenals are supported, it can cause a direct increase energy levels and support adrenal health.

  • Stimulates digestion as the salt helps to stimulate the digestive system to work more efficiently and better absorb nutrients. 

  • Relieves muscle cramping as the magnesium in the salt can help to relax muscle tension. 

  • Regulates blood pressure. All of the wonderful minerals in the Solé water can actually decrease high blood pressure! 

  • Improves sleep quality due to the mineral content allowing your body relaxed and encourages a regular, deep sleep. 

How To Make Solé Water

What you Need:

  • Himalayan salt (use ¼ the amount of your container)

  • You will need high quality, unrefined sea salt. Popular high quality salts are this pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Rdmonds Real Salt. 

  • You also need a container with a non metal lid like a mason jar or tincture bottle

  • Filtered water

Step 1: Add Himalayan salt to a mason jar until it’s a quarter of the way full.

Step 2: Fill the jar almost to the brim with water and close it. Make a gap in case you need to add more salt later.

Step 3: Shake the jar and let it aside for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature.

Step 4: If there is still salt in the jar the next day, the water is saturated and ready to use. If all of the salt has dissolved, add little quantities to the water and wait until the salt no longer dissolves. This is how you'll know the water is entirely saturated.

This drink is high in active minerals and elements, as well as trace minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Our adrenal glands require minerals to function properly, and when we are stressed, we need to replenish the minerals our bodies burn off. Adding extra minerals is a great place to start, and solé water is a quick, easy, inexpensive, and effective way to do so.

Solé water is a very hydrating drink that can be made in under five minutes. To rehydrate after a night's sleep, add a teaspoon to your morning glass of water, with lemon.



Have you been dealing with symptoms for so long that you’ve adapted to this being your new normal?

We’re here to tell you that digestive distress is not something you need to live with and that it is possible to address the root cause.

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