Easy Ways To Manage Period Pain

We all want easier periods and pain-free bleeds. 1 in 10 women have periods that are so painful they are unable to work or function for up to a week each month.

Conventional Western medicine will teach women to ease pain and cramping by taking medication such as Advil and Midol. In my clinic, I have seen the direct impact of long-term use of these over-the-counter medications, the impact on gut health, and the impact of other “band-aids” being prescribed to help women navigate period pain. Period relief stems from how we treat our bodies all month long, what we put into them, on them, and what’s really going on inside.

Period care consists of more than just taking care of yourself the week of your bleed. In fact, it is what you do leading up to your bleed that will impact how you really feel when your period comes around. There is a LOT that we can do to manage our menstrual cramps. Many of the lifestyle and natural treatments are very effective for reducing pain during our periods and can give women back their vitality every day of the month. Ultimately it can be a trial and error to determine what will be the most effective for you.

Symptoms of difficult periods:

  • PMS

  • Mood swings

  • Breast tenderness

  • Nutrient Deficiencies

  • Bloating

  • Headaches

Period essentials that can support you pre, during, and post period 🩸 

Pre-bleed (Luteal Phase) 10 - 14 days right before your bleed

📱 Cycle tracking apps are great for keeping you prepared for your bleed, tracking any symptoms and the length of your cycle (Our favorites are Natural Cycles & Temp Drop)

🧴 Breast oil to help reduce swelling and breast tenderness leading up to your bleed (Our favourite one)

 🫖 Soulful Tea Blends- Balance a.k.a the PMS tea to help deal with mood swings & pre-period bloating and digestive discomfort.

🧘‍♀️ Movement but keep it light, try a yoga class, light flow

👙 A sports bra or something comfortable especially if you experience breast tenderness or swelling 

💊 Magnesium to support any pre- bleed cramping and chocolate cravings & B Vitamins to support deficiency

🥕Raw carrots have a fiber that helps to lower beta-glucuronidase (and enzyme in the gut that increases the re-circulation of estrogen and toxins) so raw carrots naturally prevent the reabsorption of estrogens into the bloodstream. (major link to PMS and menstrual discomfort) that will contribute to breast tenderness, cramping, and overall hormone fluctuations.

Menstrual Phase (FLOW) 

🩸 Period cup or menstrual disc (a.k.a tampon swap) for healthier, nontoxic coverage.

⚡️Cramp tincture is a great alternative to Advil and uses only 2 ingredients that are gut-friendly and work acutely for period pain and headaches. (contains crampbark and Jamaican dogwood).

🩲  Leakproof underwear —> Check out KNIX leakproof underwear . These are especially great for those who don’t love the idea of using tampons/cups, or those new to a bleed.

🫖 Soulful Tea Blends FLOW is a unique blend of powerful organic plant ingredients all proven to balance and improve the menstrual cycle and support your natural rhythms. Healing vitamins and minerals help strengthen and restore the uterine lining, regulate and balance hormones, and ease digestive upset and cramping during your period.

🥰 Womb warmer- The combination of flax seed & lavender essential oils helps relieve and bring comfort to ease painful cramping and bloating, or even headaches.

🛁 Warm bath- Just give yourself some TLC, throw your favourite naturally scented candle on, grab a book add some Epson salt, and soak away your aches & pains.

❤️‍🔥 Sex on your period can help reduce cramping, headaches, enhance libido and shorten your bleed.

Nutrition & lifestyle essentials to focus on

🌱 Focus on eating whole foods, and avoid overconsuming caffeine, sugar, and saturated fats, especially in your Luteal and menstrual phase. Despite strong cravings for these things, they can make our bleeds more uncomfortable. 

🐟 Focus on Omega 3-rich foods; small fish, nuts and seeds, avocados, olive oil as these are anti-inflammatory to support your cycle and reduce inflammation.

💦  Hydrate- replenish lost electrolytes and hydrate your body (especially if you are consuming caffeine). Aim for 2 liters of water or herbal tea daily.

 🍊Support your digestion and gut health, think bitter foods, fermented foods, apple cider vinegar

💩 Ensure you are having a daily bowel movement, and increase your fiber intake, to help remove toxins, detox hormones, and prevent the recirculation of estrogen.

🎢  Stabilize blood sugar (don’t skip meals, ensure adequate consumption of protein, fat, and fiber at each meal) to avoid crashes

🧘 Move your body in agreement with your phase, stretching and deep breathing

🛌  Prioritize quality rest and sleep. Reduce screen time and create a wind-down routine.

🥩 Incorporate iron-rich food, as iron levels go down during your period which can lead to feelings of fatigue. Some iron-rich foods include red meat, organ meats, lentils, and dark leafy greens.

🍊 Vitamin C assists with iron absorption and is anti-inflammatory and immune-supportive.

Other Considerations:

It’s time to pick up your magnifying glass and investigate what’s happening around you.

🔍 Look at your pantry, and consider where you can make better swaps for options and staples that will support your body & hormone balance.

🔍 Look at the home, skin, and body care products you are using day to day. We are surrounded by so many endocrine disrupters that can seriously impact our hormone health and contribute to uncomfortable periods/PMS.

🔍 Consider your stress levels and lifestyle factors that might be impacting your cycle. Are you going through a difficult time, a career change, or a breakup? These are all significant factors that will impact your hormones and cycles. Consider journaling, talk therapy, or other options to deal with the stress in a healthy way.


  1. Check out our FREE cycle syncing guide for tried and true ways to help your body through each phase of your cycle

  2. For extra support around nutrition for your cycle, check our our cycle syncing meal guide with delicious recipes to help keep your cycle on track all month long.

  3. Deep dive in our go at your own pace course: Mend Your Menstrual Cycle for support at managing your period and bringing harmony back in to your body.


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Men’s Hormones